Érudit is a Canadian research infrastructure that distributes more than 150 digital scientific and cultural journals. A mutual content aggregation agreement makes it possible to jointly promote the collections of Persée and Érudit: the journal titles published by Érudit are integrated into the Persée portal, which in turn makes Érudit journals visible, thus contributing to increaseg the visibility of all these publications and to facilitate researchers’ access to articles.
OpenEdition Journals, CAIRN
Depending on the collection period concerned, journals may be published by Persée, OpenEdition Journals or CAIRN, with different full text access conditions (open or restricted). To guarantee researchers the continuity of consultation of journals whether they use one or another platform, a reciprocal exchange and indexing protocol has been put in place. Each platform indexes the metadata provided by the others and tells its users the platform where the issue number it does not have is available.