The Data Persée Triplestore gathers data describing all the resources produced by Persée, whether they come from the Persée portal or from the Perséides collections, in a structured fashion according to the principles of the semantic web.
Different vocabularies are used to express all the diversity of data types in RDF :
- DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) for document description
- FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) to distinguish between original printed events and electronic events produced by Persée after digitization
- FOAF (Friend Of A Friend) to describe people and their relationships
- CITO (Citation Typing Ontology) to describe the links between documents as citations, reports or responses
- BIBO (Bibliographic Ontology) to describe the different types of documents
- SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) to express the concepts available in the documents. When these concepts are described elsewhere, the models proposed by specialists in the field have been reused and alignments were made between Persée’ content and the repositories relevant in each community, to enable Data Persée users to bounce back to other sources of information in an unsegmented way (idRef, DBpedia, GBIF,, the Cairo Gazetteer to name but a few).
Data Persée allows you to extend the possibilities of exploitation and to build complex queries on different datasets. Having all the documents sharing certain properties, viewing all the scientific collaborations of an author, visualizing trends, measuring the influence of a publication or downloading a dataset are some examples of Persée’ triplestore possible use.
Several modes of exploration are available: the sparql endpoint for insiders and the Sparklis tool which will enable as many people as possible to phrase their queries in natural language, without an advance knowledge of the contents and their models. Various visualization tools are available to display data and datasets in a graphical form. Finally, a range of services is also available to help you appropriate and exploit its full potential like a series of tutorials to accustom yourself with search interfaces, an exchange section with the user community and help in building search queries.