BHE (Bibliothèque Historique de l’Éducation)

BHE (Bibliothèque Historique de l’Éducation)

BHE (Bibliothèque Historique de l’Éducation)

The BHE, Bibliothèque Historique de l’Éducation, aims to make available a variety of resources concerning education, from a heritage and scientific perspective (administrative documentation, journals, books…), all backed by a set of specific exploration tools.

The Bibliothèque Historique de l’Education (BHE) project, initiated in 2014, is part of a collaboration between researchers from the UMRs of the ENS de Lyon working on the history of education (UMR Triangle, UMR LARHRA and UMS Laboratoire de l’Éducation), Persée, the Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon and also incorporating the ENS editions and a collaboration with the National Archives. Its objective is to propose a portal of historical resources in the history of education, in particular around the history of educational policies, their institutions and their actors, the teaching profession and pedagogical practices. Initially organized around the digitization of a series of historical monographs and dictionaries published by the former editions of the INRP and the digitization/processing/online publishing of part of the Bulletin administratif de l’Instruction publique (1850-1890), the first stage led in 2017 to the creation of a perseid.

A Collex-Persée funding allowed, during 18 months (2019-2020), the digitization, the documentary treatment and the setting on line of three additional reviews (Revue internationale de l’enseignement, la Revue Pédagogique, le Manuel général de l’Instruction publique) for a volume of 155 000 pages, completing the collections already available on the perseid.

More details on the project Bibliothèque Historique de l’Éducation on website CollEx-Persée.

Project owners : ENS de Lyon, Persée (UAR 3602), Laboratoire de l’éducation (UMS 3773), Triangle (UMR 5206), Larhra (UMR 5190), Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon.

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