


The perséide FemEnRev (Féminismes en revue) aims to make available to a wide public a corpus of feminist periodicals from the second 20th century (1944-2019). The objectives are twofold, at the confluence of a heritage requirement and a scientific demand. This program aims to nourish scientific work in feminist studies in France and in Europe and to allow the development of research on 20th century feminist journals as a privileged means of expression and action.

The Feminisms in Review project was initiated in 2017 as part of an IDEX funding awarded by the Université Côte d’Azur to the ExFEM program – 1918, 1968, 2018: One Hundred Years of Women’s Expressions in France, Italy and Spain. One of the central axes of this research program was to build up and make available to the scientific communities and the general public archival documentary collections relevant to the history of feminism and, more particularly, its modes of action and its means of expression throughout the 20th century. The first phase of this project involved the digitization and documentary processing of the journal Sorcières. Les femmes vivent published between 1975 and 1982. By reappropriating the provocative term “Witches,” the magazine’s contributors, both famous and unknown women writers and artists, sought to contradict the history of those who were burned to silence them. In a clean tone, tinged with humor, creativity and freedom, Sorcières wants to be a place of expression and creation far from the canons and the male aesthetic criteria. From a documentary point of view, particular attention has been paid to the relevant segmentation units, to the treatment of illustrations and to the work on the authors’ metadata. Thus, there are two ways to explore the first magazine published: a index des autrices and a index des plasticiennes.

A second phase is devoted to the digitization and documentary processing of 18 new feminist periodicals of the second XXth century and will be progressively processed thanks to the GIS CollEx-Persée grant obtained within the framework of the AAP CollEx-Persée 20-21.

More details on the project FemEnRev : le portail de numérisation des revues féministes françaises de 1944 à nos jours on website CollEx-Persée.

Project partners: this project was initiated by the ExFEM team (Université Côte d’Azur) and in partnership with : Persée (UAR 3602), le SCD d’Angers (Université d’Angers), les Archives du féminisme, la Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand, la Contemporaine, le laboratoire TEMOS (UMR 9016).

Find here all the project partners.

To consult the perséide FemEnRev : https://femenrev.persee.fr/ Contact au sein de Persée :