News about Perseide FemEnRev

News about Perseide FemEnRev

News about Perseide FemEnRev

The FemEnRev Perseide (Féminismes En Revue) is enriched with a new collection!

The Revue d’en face published between 1977 and 1983 is now online and freely available.



  • Discover the history of the magazine told by those who made it


  • Meet some of the editorial team


  • Browse the index of authors


  • For the occasion, the perseid has been redesigned and offers new consultation and discovery paths


  • Putting the Revue d’en face online is the first step of the “FemEnRev” project, winner of the Collex-Persée scheme, which aims to digitize and disseminate 22 titles of twentieth century feminist journals on this perseid.


  • The diffusion of the Revue d’en face would not have been possible without the contribution of some of those who made it: Geneviève Brisac, Judith Ezekiel, Elianne Navarro, Danièle Ohayon, Françoise Picq, Catherine Ravelli, Irène Théry, Corinne Welger