Persée is recruiting a NumaHOP project manager

Persée is recruiting a NumaHOP project manager

Persée is recruiting a NumaHOP project manager

Typical job F2A41 – Chargé-e des systèmes d’information documentaire


Within the UAR Persée’s Information Technology and Development Department, and in connection with the consortium that ensures the development and promotion of the NumaHOP application (SciencePo Paris, BULAC, Bibliothèque Ste Geneviève), The engineer will be responsible for preparing the availability of the NumaHOP application on a shared platform, its opening to the ESRI community and the organization of the various bodies that will govern its development.


Opening the application

  • Coordinate actions to facilitate its development and availability (translation of interfaces, technical and user documentation);
  • Coordinate the translation of the interface: verify that the application can support a plurality of languages, implement the translation performed by the provider;
  • Design and maintain websites dedicated to communication, user training and community development.

Shared platform

  • In collaboration with the Sciences Po IT department and the Persee IT department, coordinate the docking of the application, ensure its deployment and configuration;
  • Study a solution to perpetuate a shared instance: usage scenarios, dimensioning, needs in complementary developments, HR needs, governance;
  • Conduct a technical analysis to define and prioritize the necessary developments for a shared use;
  • Evaluate and coordinate the developments carried out by a service provider within the limits of the available budget available;
  • Specify the necessary connections between the application and the Perseus platform for combined use by each combined use by each institution and to promote the structuring and enrichment of the and enrichment of the data produced.


  • With the help of the business group, identify the current and foreseeable uses of the application in order to propose usage scenarios and validate those that can correspond to a shared instance;
  • Elaborate the roadmap of the evolution of the application, establish the estimates for the first year of developments;
  • Propose the framework for the use of the platform: governance of the development of the application, structuring of the user community, terms of access, conditions of use, …



  • Information processing (in-depth knowledge)
  • Documentary information systems (in-depth knowledge)
  • Documentary information systems (in-depth knowledge)
  • Public Procurement
  • Environment and professional networks
  • Knowledge of the legislative and regulatory texts in the field
  • Contract law
  • Information and communication systems law
  • Intellectual property law
  • English language: B1 to B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)


  • Manage a project
  • Analyze and formalize the needs
  • Play an advisory or decision support role
  • Manage relationships with interlocutors
  • Initiate and lead partnerships
  • Lead a team
  • Develop a set of specifications
  • Write documentation for users


  • Organizational skills
  • Sense of initiative
  • Reactivity
  • Ability to explain and prioritize needs
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Know how to work with professional networks


Persée is a support and research unit (UAR), attached to the ENS de Lyon and the CNRS, which benefits from the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for the development of documentary heritage for the benefit of research. Perseus is committed to the development of an enriched digitization platform open to the ESRI community. NumaHOP is an application that was born in the world of ESR libraries, under the impetus of 3 Parisian institutions (SciencePo Paris, BULAC, Bibliothèque Ste Geneviève) and developed by a private law company: Progilone. Today, it has about twenty instances hosted by each institution. As part of CollEx-Persée’s support for the sharing of digitization and enrichment tools and for the creation of an open interoperable chain, these various actors have joined forces to provide the community with a shared instance of NumaHOP and its connection with the Persee enrichment and distribution platform. During the year 2022, the engineer will be in charge of the preparation of this opening, in collaboration with the users and the technical teams.

CDD one year

Job type

Ingénieur d’étude bap F, F2A41

Expected profile

Proven experience in project management, good knowledge of digitization issues in libraries


Between 2400 et 2650 € bruts monthly according to experience

Location of the job

ENS de Lyon – Site Monod, 6 allée d’Italie, 69007 Lyon


Gabrielle Richard, director of Persée

Viviane Boulétreau, in charge of the IT and development division of Persée